Content written by-Craig Bachmann
If you've been lucky enough to experience a fabulous massage, you know how great it can be. That said, sometimes a massage isn't up to snuff. If you are armed with knowledge, you can enjoy massage much more. Learn all you can about massages by reading these tips below.
Don't eat just before a massage. After eating, you will likely feel bloated; therefore, you probably won't feel as comfortable during your massage as you should. Wait until have digested your dinner. This can aid in getting a full treatment by letting you assume various positions.
Tailor your massage techniques to each individual. If you notice a positive response to a particular area, stay in that specific area longer. One of most useful ways to learn how to give a good massage is by listening to feedback.
After you give a massage to someone, make sure that they take a warm bath. This will help to further the effect of the massage and soothe the muscles even more. After this person takes the bath, they will feel more refreshed and looser then they ever had in their entire life.
The raking method is a popular way to give a back massage. Spread your fingers out wide and use your fingertips to perform a raking motion down the back, from shoulders to hips. You can increase the pressure to the recipient's liking. This is a simple way to relax your significant other and spend some quality time together.
Put your thinking on hold. One of the most difficult, yet essential elements of getting the most out of a massage is relaxing your mental state. Try to start doing some deep breathing while the therapist is setting up. Imagine that, with every inhale, you gather all the nagging and stressful thoughts in your head. On the exhale, envision blowing all of these thoughts out into space, gone forever. Keep repeating until you feel yourself relaxing.
When you are giving a massage, try to have the person you are massaging in as few articles of clothing as possible. If they are uncomfortable, they can wear a towel to feel more secure at all times. Having areas of the body exposed is not only soothing, but it also facilitates your job.
When you're stressed out or feeling emotional, aromatherapy massage is for you. will use essential oils while massaging your skin. They know exactly which oils will give you energy, relax you or help to bust stress. Lavender is frequently used to calm your mind and body, allowing you some peace.
If you have recently contracted the flu, a massage may help alleviate the pain and stiffness generally associated with the flu. For the best relief, gently rub warmed lotion over your entire body using a circular motion. This will not only alleviate aches, but it will also help re-hydrate your skin.
When your feet are aching after a long day, consider having some reflexology. This therapy uses pressure on specific areas of the foot which are connected to your organs, just like in acupuncture. It causes not only your feet to feel amazing, but also helps balance your systems and gives you a great deal of relaxation.
Consider getting a massage in either just your underwear or naked. Skin to skin contact is important during any massage, and this can only be accomplished if you remove your clothes. You can always use a blanket to cover up if you are concerned about modesty or staying warm during the process.
If you are getting a massage and you do not feel comfortable or suddenly feel like you are in pain, do not be afraid to end it. You are the paying customer whose pleasure should be the number one concern, so if you feel discomfort at any time, you have the right to conclude your session.
You should take the time to learn more about the human body, especially its muscles and nerves. You will be able to give better massages once you know where sensitive nerve endings are located and have a better idea of where muscles are. You will also understand the pains you experience a lot better once you know more about your body.
If you want to put some spark back into your relationship, consider giving your partner a romantic massage. They are more intimate than a standard massage and can really relax your partner for some couple focused bonding time. It will enhance your relationship through touch and make your partner feel special.
Massage can help your marriage if you have a high stress job. When you come home after a hard day at work, as soothing massage by your mate can increase your love and appreciation for him or her. Instead of feeling too tired for romance, you will be more open to spending some quality time.
Why is it that you think a massage will help you? Did you become injured? Do you suffer with chronic back pain? Do you just want to relax? It does not matter why you are seeking the services of a massage therapist, but it is important that you can convey your needs to the person you select.
Many people believe that massage therapists only focus on your back, but this is not the truth. When you are considering getting a massage, ask the person you speak with about the different types that are available. They may cost more, but more of your body will end up being relaxed.
One way to massage yourself or someone else is with your fists. Just gently punch on your legs or arms, going from the tips of your digits to your torso. This is a great way to relax your body and mind before going to sleep or invigorating yourself for the day ahead.
Some massages may require you to take off your underwear. But if this is not comfortable, you may leave on your briefs if you a man or wear a thong if you are a female. At most spa facilities, the person receiving a massage is covered with a towel anyway.
With your particular clients in mind, modify the techniques you've learned here. An average person or even a professional can benefit from better massage techniques. If you are receiving rather than giving a massage, encourage your masseuse to practice his new techniques on you.